Ka‘ala Farm, Inc.
“To reclaim and preserve the living culture of the Poʻe Kahiko (people of old) in order to strengthen the kinship relationships between the ‘āina (land, that which nourishes) and all forms of life necessary to sustain the balance of life on these vulnerable islands”, is the mission of Ka‘ala Farm, Inc, located on the Wai‘anae Coast of O‘ahu. The strategies to achieve the mission are three interrelated strands: transmission of cultural knowledge from kūpuna to ‘ōpio; protection and restoration of the ahupua‘a with an emphasis on attendant rights and responsibilities; and integration of cultural knowledge, wisdom and practices into educational institutions that serve children.
Building on an existing collaboration with Wai‘anae High School’s Natural Resources Academy, Ka‘ala Farm will use Hope for Kids funding to enhance the educational and personal development experiences of Academy students.

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